Wednesday, November 9, 2016

election day

Wide eyes and open mouths were all that were going on last night while the whole country voted Donald Trump as our new President of the United States. Honest it is hard not to think this is a bad April Fools joke. Lots of my thoughts have been directed towards who to vote for. I did not feel right about either candidate... Hilary Clinton or Trump. After much prayer I decided I can not vote for either. Through my sister Jaclyn I found another person Evan McMullin who I believed would have made a great president. Talking to people everyone said the same thing...internet people where posting the same thing.... that they will not vote Clinton or Trump. But as it came to it, I think fear took over and Trump became president.

What does this have to do with anxiety??? Life is worrisome. Life is full of fear. Which causes me much anxiety at times!!! My husband is in the military and how Trump wants to handle this war with isis and how he says he can get our troops to do anything. Freaked me out. I understand he can lower taxes, better health care, freedom of religion, etc... but how he wants to handle Muslims and War scared a lot. I am on a base and I see how war affects families here. I see Moms and kids crying and alone while their husbands and Dads are fighting to protect us. I stand everyday at 4:30pm with my hand over my heart remembering all those who fight. I see how some people have to speak with therapists from trauma of killing people or even the sound of bombs that scare them. Everyday I am surrounded by beautiful people in uniform willing to give their lives if necessary. So hearing what Trump wants to do and how his attitude of getting our military to do what he wants because he is Trump. Disturbed me and has made me feel sick and full of anxiety. It's hard because I share all these tips on what helps me get through things and when I feel buried by the feelings I have it's a fight to even do one of them. I tried talking to people yesterday about how I feel and it didn't go so well. I feel embarrassed how I reacted. Everyone kept telling me that everything is in the Lords hands and it will all be okay. I do know that- I believe that. But I think I just wanted someone to say It is scary... you have every reason to worry about your friends or husband in the military. Even if it sounds ridiculous. But also tell me it's ok to be scared... it is okay how you feel. I understand why you'd be upset Trump is president. I will be just fine, My husband and military friends will be just fine.... No matter what happens. But that doesn't erase how I feel. I have learned something after my sister Jaclyn wrote this about her feelings on the election:

 "I have so many thoughts today. I was glued to the election coverage in complete disbelief. Blake kept asking me to turn it off but I couldn't. My mind was racing with all of the repercussions of this election. I have determined in my mind that all I can do is teach my children the importance of balance, opposition, and that one side isn't 100% right all the time. People make mistakes, there are flaws in the fabric, and we would be wise to learn from those who are different from us. To my sons- Be true to yourself. I have had the privilege of being your mother and watching you as you discover the world. It will be disappointing but you are capable and confident beings sent to our home to teach us the greater things. I want you to know that you should never degrade women. Men and women are powerful and glorious together. You should never find yourself in the serious company of a woman who degrades herself and others in any manner, through her speech, or behavior. If she thinks that is the correct way women should be treated, she's very wrong. Nor should you ever find yourself participating in that same way of thinking, speech, and behavior. There are religions out there that are beautiful and have truths embedded in their doctrines. Learn of your Father in Heaven by seeking truth. As you seek, the spirit will help you recognize its validity. There are races and ethnicities all over the world that add value, vitality, and enrichment to life. Find people that add meaning to who you are. There are people out there who seek to do evil and exploit. They think money and power will excuse them from their actions. The spirit that you have been given will warn you of them, but remember everyone has a purpose as to why they do and believe the methods they choose, so be kind. Be ambassadors of connection, compassion, and commitment. I pray that you will have the determination and will to live your life aligned with your inner compass. You will have setbacks, find yourself discouraged and disappointed, and you will have unfulfilled expectations of humanity but if you spend time with the spirit within you and qualify yourself to receive light on a regular basis you will be a force to be reckoned with. Life will offer you different lenses of perspective, be prayerful in how you look through them. Practice gratitude and look for the silver linings.  I love you my darlings. Be proud of yourselves."

We can be a force to be reckoned with! There is no need to fear... No need. What my sister said I could not agree with more. If we stay true to ourselves and be our best- it will all be okay! We will be okay. It may not be easy what we go through. But when faced with choices don't back down from what you know to be right because of fear or anxiety. We are strong and we are capable of extraordinary things... even change. So Trump is the president- I have no idea what will come... good or bad? And maybe he will even surprise me and he will be fantastic. But as my sister said said, "Be ambassadors of connection, compassion, and all things good. Fear is a natural thing to have. This morning I was so ashamed of myself for how I acted yesterday, fearful/anxiety filled... This quote I thought of today changed how I think of fear...

 "You can't get rid of fear. It's like mother nature, you can't beat her or outrun her. But you can get through it. You can find out what you're made of."

 I know Fear and Faith can not coincide... You can't have both. But There are two kinds of fear to me 1. Fear where you hide away and say it's too hard or 2.You are afraid and you want to hide away but you don't despite your fear. When you face each trial head on I believe we will see what we are made of... what we really can become. So yes, I have fear in the future, but that will not shake my faith or cause me to cower. I will rely on my Savior who knows the beginning to the end... and I will get through each thing placed before me with his divine help. So with my fear... I take courage in the future... not knowing which way it will go, but knowing full well which way I will go.

Sometimes It is hard to feel like I am not drowning. Drowning is a scary feeling.... but the most incredible thing is Savior walked on water....

Image result for picture of christ foot walking on water

 He defeated water... I know that's a silly way to think like that. But when I feel under the water, I can see Him reaching through, pulling me out...

and eventually through conquering each fear and just believing... I too can defeat drowning... I can  walk with him on water...

Image result for picture of walking with christ on water 

Everyday I pray to hear what Heavenly Father wants me to know... Without fail he tells/shows me exactly what I need to know from Him to calm down. I am ever so grateful for my Savior and Heavenly Father.

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